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       Prof Dr Ignaas Devisch 








Professor in Ethics, Philosophy and Medical Philosophy at Ghent University 

Research focus

Research areas: philosophy of medicine and ethics (patient autonomy; medicalisation; responsibility; lifestyle; obesity; justice; existentialism; phenomenology)


Research team

  • dr. Tania Moerenhout (general practitioner and PhD Student) - Treating the real or the digital patient? Impact of the electronic health record on the patient-provider relationship

  • Marlies Saelaert (PhD Student) - Incidental findings in genome-wide sequencing in persons with a mendelian disease: a bioethical study

  • Jodie Bernaerdt (Research Fellow and Teaching Assistant) - Is sharing a better way of caring? Ethical considerations regarding informational privacy and secondary uses of medical data


PhD Ignaas Devisch (1970) is professor in Ethics, Philosophy and Medical Philosophy. He holds positions at Ghent University and University College Arteveldehogeschool, Belgium and was research fellow for five years at the Radboud University Nijmegen. He is the supervisor of the research group Philosophy of medicine and ethics. Besides this, he is an active member of several European Networks in philosophy of medicine:


  • the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care (board member)

  • ISIH network (In Sickness and in Health) 

  • COST action on disaster bioethics, which develops ethical frameworks in health care settings

  • BIG (Bioethics Institute Ghent)

  • TORCH (The Oxford Phenomenology Network)


He is expert member of the Belgian Superior Health Council; Research Associate of the Somatechnics Research Centre (MacQuarie University, Australia); he was coordinator of a research group at the Heyendaal Instituut, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen and was member of The Centre for Ethics and Value Inquiry (UGent). bioethics’, and is consultant for several healthcare organisations. He was part of the Health Innovation Lab (University Leiden, T&O). He is co-chairman of a Belgian organisation (de Maakbare Mens) which reflects ethically and philosophically upon biomedical evolutions.


Key publications: 

  • (2016) Devisch, I., Vanheule, S., Deveugele, M. et al. Victims of disaster: can ethical debriefings be of help to care for their suffering?, Med Health Care and Philos. doi:10.1007/s11019-016-9742-1

  • (2016) Jenny Slatman, Kristin Zeiler, Ignaas Devisch, Can You Restore My “Own” Body? A Phenomenological Analysis of Relational Autonomy, The American Journal of Bioethics, 16:8, 18-20, DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2016.1187219

  • (2015) Devisch, Ignaas and Vanheule Stijn, Foucault at the bedside: a critical analysis of empowering a healthy lifestyle. JECP; doi: 10.111/jep.12329

  • (2014) Devisch, Ignaas and Vanheule Stijn, Singularity and medicine: is there a place for heteronomy in medical ethics?  DOI: 10.1111/jep.12110

  • (2012) Devisch, Ignaas, The tribunal of modern life: The case of UZ Brussels in the light of Odo Marquard’s discussion of autonomy and theodicy. The Journal of Evaluation of Clinical Practice (accepted on April, 29, 2012)


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