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       Prof Dr Tom Coenye 








Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Microbiology


Research focus

The Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Microbiology (LPM) of Ghent University aims to carry out basic and applied research in the field of sociomicrobiology, i.e. research on the group behaviour of micro-organisms. More specifically, in the LPM research is centered around biofilm formation by various micro-organisms, interactions of (polymicrobial) biofilms with host cells and tissue, the evaluation of novel strategies to prevent biofilm formation and/or eradicate existing biofilms, and the molecular basis of reduced susceptibility in biofilms.


Research team



Key publications: 

  • Peeters, E., Nelis, H.J. & Coenye, T. (2008). Comparison of multiple methods for quantification of microbial biofilms grown in microtiter plates. J Microbiol Meth 72:157-165. 

  • Brackman, G., Cos, P., Maes, L., Nelis, H.J. & Coenye, T. (2011). Quorum sensing inhibitors increase the susceptibility of bacterial biofilms to antibiotics in vitro and in vivo. Antimicrob Ag Chemother 55:2655-2661.

  • Van Acker, H., Van Dijck, P. & Coenye, T. (2014). Molecular mechanisms of antimicrobial tolerance and resistance in bacterial and fungal biofilms. Trends Microbiol 22:326-333. 

  • Crabbé, A., Liu, Y., Ostyn, L., Rigole, P., Matthijs, N., De La Fuente-Nùñez, C., Davis, R., Ledesma, M.A., Sarker, S., Van Houdt, R., Hancock, R.E.W., Coenye, T.* & Nickerson, C.A.* (* equal contribution) (2017). Antimicrobial efficacy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation in a three-dimensional lung epithelial model, and the influence of fetal bovine serum. Scientific Rep 7:43321.

  • Tavernier, S., Crabbé, A., Hacioglu, M., Stuer, L., Henry, S., Rigole, P., Dhondt, I. & Coenye, T. (2017). Community composition determines activity of antibiotics against multispecies biofilms. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 61:e00302-17.


Contact & links:

Tom Coenye

+32 9 2648141

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